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2016 Honor Roll


The Jewish Federation of Greater Phoenix sincerely thanks the donors and partners listed in this honor roll for their support and commitment to strengthening Jewish life and identity and providing for Jews in need in Greater Phoenix, Israel and Jewish communities worldwide. It is through our collective efforts that we are able to impact so many lives. Thank you!

We also thank our lay leadership for their commitment and passion, not only to the Federation, but to our Jewish community:

2016 Jewish Community Association Board of Directors


Steven Schwarz

Board Chair

Joel Kramer

Immediate Past Chair

Stuart Wachs

President & CEO

Mark Feldman

Vice Chair

Adam Goodman

Vice Chair

Jonathan Hoffer

Vice Chair/JCC Chair

Cyndi Rosenthal

Vice Chair

David Weiner



Morrie Aaron

Jonny Basha

Howard Cabot

David Friedman

Amir Glogau

George Hirsch Goffman

Anita Gutkin

Irwin Kanefsky

Bryan Kort

Barry Markson

Sally Oscherwitz

Dean Scheinert

Don Schon, MD

Jami Schulman

David Schuman

Julee Landau Shahon

Bob Silver

Rudy Troisi

Beth Jo Zeitzer

2016 Campaign Cabinet


David Weiner

Campaign Chair

Esther & Don Schon, MD

Major Gifts Chairs

Sally Oscherwitz

Women’s Philanthropy Campaign Chair


Rabbi Pinchas Allouche

Jonny Basha

Lily Behboodi

Rabbi Micah Caplan

Alison Feinberg

Eliot Kaplan

Bryan Kort

Blaine Light

Marc Newman

Gail Ober

Steven Schwarz

Mort Scult

Julee Landau Shahon

Rudy Troisi

Ronny Urman

2016 Women’s Philanthropy Board


Julee Landau Shahon


Sally Oscherwitz

Campaign Chair

Gail Ober

Vice Chair – Outreach

Donna Troisi


Shari Kanefsky

Board Advisor

Dr. Linda Benaderet

Alison Feinberg

Rachel Heimnick

Benée Hilton-Spiegel

Debbie Jacobs

Terri Jonas

Kim Kotzin

Karen Nagle

Cyndi Rosenthal

Esther Schon

Laurie Schwartz

Susan Silver

Natalie Stern

Suzanne Swift

DeeDee Vecchione

Janette Wachs

2016 Business & Professionals Group


Eliot Kaplan


Raphael Avraham

Cardozo Society Chair

Jonny Basha

Chai Tech Chair

Tivon Moffitt

Real Estate & Finance Co-Chair

Gary Ringel

Real Estate & Finance Co-Chair

2016 NowGen Board


Rachel Hoffer

Board Chair

Lily Behboodi

Vice Chair